Our Teachers

Jamie Royall &
Amy Penley
Tender Hearts Class
Ages 4 – 7
In our class, we have fun teaching and learning about Jesus. The kids are taught Biblical lessons using thoughtful illustrations and fun-filled songs. Our goal is to help their growth in the Lord to begin early. Tender Hearts is where it starts.
Amanda Hawks & Haleigh Penley
Jump’n Josiah Class
Ages 8 – 11
We are excited to start teaching these kids how to become young Christians. This is a time where they begin to really grow and learn how they can be used by the Lord! We have lots of participation and get to hear plenty of interesting stories.

Jason Penley
Senior Pastor
Teen Class
Ages 12 - 19
We love our teens here at Solid Rock Baptist Church. In this class, we talk about real life issues from a Biblical perspective. Our hearts desire is to help them grow spiritually and develop a true, personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jonathan Royall
Life Application Class
Ages 20 – 49
We would love for you to attend our Life Application Class. This Sunday School class is a more informal time when we enjoy fellowship, refreshments, and some important time around the teaching of God’s Word. This is a class designed to help live a Christian life in a modern-day world.

Brent Sloop
Seasoned Saints Class
Ages 50 and up
We would love to welcome you to be a part of our Seasoned Saints Class. This class is focused on using the energy and talents that God has given us as aging adults to impact others for Christ and to be a light in a dark world!